A very pleasant day was had at the monthly luncheon. We are fortunate to have such a pleasant private room at our disposal, and the catering staff do put in a great effort to make the day a good one for those that attend. Thanks to the efforts of Angelo Briganti and Graeme Bool in particular, the catering has shown significant improvement in recent months.The Cello Room at the Castlereagh has to be one of the best function rooms in the city; it is light and airy, and the tables are always set tastefully and set off the room very well. Members are encouraged to come along and have a look at the place at their first opportunity on one of the third Mondays of the month. Just arrive at or before say 11:30 AM as bookings are not necessary.We were lucky today to have a first-timer visit by Doug Russell who came in with Graham Kenney who we had not seen at a lunch for some time. Their arrival set the mood for a very companionable afternoon, with the obligatory tall tales and reminiscences that always abound. Further detail will be in the newsletter to be issued in early course.
A great day was had by all who attended. The meals were superb, and no one left hungry. TAFE Staff were attentive and very obliging and made the day that little bit more special.Vice President Terry Auld spoke eloquently on the day, thanking our Minister for Good Times VP Angelo Briganti for his efforts in arranging the day and tendered an apology for Angelo who was unable to attend on the day. Terry also commended the staff for their efforts and they were roundly applauded by those present. If a like product of this TAFE kitchen finds its way into restaurants throughout Sydney, we are very lucky people. The trainees are doing a wonderful job.