President Noel hosted the luncheon and welcomed a very good attendance of forty-four members to the August Bi-Monthly Luncheon and thanked members present for their support of the club. Noel made special mention and gave a big welcome to Sebastain Zammit and Bob McElroy whom we had not seen for a while at club luncheons. Noel said it was great to see you here today together with all members present.Seven members who celebrated a birthday in July and August were present at the luncheon: July: Angelo Briganti, Wal Hardy, Keith Long, and Hons. Tony Carter and Brian White.
August: Jamie Roberts and Hon. Bill ChapmanPresident Noel wished all the above a very Happy Birthday on behalf of all club members. Special mention to our Honorary members Barry & Wilhelmina Smith who have just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.
A very enjoyable and well supported-luncheon.