May 2023 Newcastle Luncheon

May 2023 Newcastle Luncheon

Thursday 11th May saw a nice sunny day in Newcastle for the Hunter Region’s bi-annual lunch – the first for 2023. Local Chairman Ron Welsh was very pleased to welcome a group of 28 to the sitting, which included ANZROC(NSW) President Noel Bottrell, and Secretary Graeme Bool.It was particularly pleasing to see such a good mix of out-of-area folk (John Burke and partner Margaret Greaves, John and Kester Ball, Ken and Sue Byatt, Wal Hardy, Peter and Jean Maber, Jamie Roberts, and Doug Moss) and local stalwarts (including Beverley Wilson whom we had not seen for a while).
Thank you to all of you for making the effort to come along, and for helping to reduce the quantity and variety of food in the buffet (which we trust you enjoyed).
President Noel spoke on behalf of ANZROC(NSW) and extended birthday wishes to member Betty Gemmell who was celebrating her 106th birthday in Sydney. John Ball gave a eulogy in respect of Keith Anderson who sadly passed away in February. A few fortunate punters won lucky-seat prizes, and we thank Cheryl Richardson for once again organising this nice addition to the day.

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