A well attended lunch at the Coniston Hotel was enjoyed by 63 ANZROC(NSW) members and their partners/guests. The renewal of old friendships and strengthening of many more was evident and easily detected with a decibel meter!
Apologies were received from Terry and Heather Auld, Pat Walsh and Chantelle Fransisco.
It was great to see our hard-working Secretary Graeme Bool and Judith attend, and a big thank you to Graeme for all he does to facilitate our gatherings.
We also had three past Presidents and the current President travel in most cases some distance to be with us. For those who don’t know, they were Ken and Lindy Dighton, Phil and Helen Newsome, Alex and Anne Morgan, and currently Phil and Helen Cohen.
Phil spoke briefly to wish all a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. Several others travelled from afar to attend and were very welcome.
There did not appear to be any complaints about the food and many favourable comments were heard. On that basis, and the noise factor it was a good day and hopefully will be repeated next year. A thank you to Phil Cohen for his photographic skills, which will no doubt appear in time on our marvellous new website. Also, Helen Newsome for her organising skills on the day.
Reg Smeaton