On another delightful Newcastle day, we welcomed 34 ANZ folk to our 2024 pre-Christmas lunch at Cardiff RSL Club.
Local ANZROC(NSW) committeemen Ron Welsh and Geoff Boyton extended a welcome to everyone, and offered apologies for those unable to attend, namely, Evelyn Goldstein (in hospital), Paul Jacka (unwell), Doug Moss, Beverly Wilson, Margaret Willis, and Neville Wilkinson.
We wish those on the sick-list a full and speedy recovery, and we look forward to catching-up with the other members at a future lunch.
A moment of pause was called in memory of members who had passed away since our last get-together - Peter Willis, Alan Deveson and John Burke. We also gave a special welcome to quite a few out-of-town visitors, including ANZROC(NSW) VIPs from Sydney, Philip Cohen, Graeme Bool, and Ken Byatt.
Philip responded on behalf of ANZROC(NSW) and his fellow committee members.
As usual, the buffet lunch included a good variety of food and was well up to the mark on quality and quantity.
The customary lucky-seat-prizes, organised again by Cheryl Richardson, saw 10 people walk away happily with either wine or chocolate.
On the whole, a nice precursor to the festive season.
We extend our best wishes to everyone for a safe and happy Christmas, and a great 2025."
Geoff Boyton, Ron Welsh & Ken Dighton